Building an Accounting Firm is Such Hard Work

strategies for accountants Aug 06, 2019

It can sometimes feel like we are wading through treacle as we try to grow our accounting firm.

The reason it feels so hard is because we are trying to do too much at once…

  • chase new clients
  • put new systems in place 
  • recruit that new person we’ve been looking for
  • train that person we’ve got in the office right now 
  • learn social media marketing
  • make videos for a YouTube channel
  • write an ebook
  • launch a brand new service

We’re trying to do everything and it’s too hard. You can’t get everything done all at once. 

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

I want to share with you a simple strategy that will help you get complete clarity as to what you should be doing next.


You can watch the video here.


Never work on more than three big projects at any one time


Just pick three things.

It could be that your want to launch your Facebook presence. Or it could be that you want to rebrand. Maybe you also want to sort out the fixed pricing, the value pricing process for your bookkeeping service.

Make those your three things to focus on. Don’t try to do more than that.

Think of every project as a 90-day project, or 3 months.

Then over the next 90 days or 3 months, think carefully about all the things that you need to do. Create a system for planning every day and every week. In that system, at the start of every week, ask yourself the question: 

‘What am I going to do this week? What have I scheduled in to help me get closer to my 90 day target and achieving those big projects?’

Make sure you are doing something every single week towards your project. Break it down into milestones with goals for each week. Then you have to discipline yourself and focus on reaching each milestone.

When you can tick off each milestone you will feel a sense of relief. You’ll feel a sense of progress.

Once you’ve completed your 3 big projects, you can start new ones and repeat the process.

Don’t overwhelm yourself. You can’t do everything all at once, and you’ll feel disheartened if you feel you aren’t making any progress. 

Limit yourself to 3 and give yourself a time limit on each. Make sure you work on them consistently and you’ll reach your goals much quicker.



If you found this valuable and would like to learn more about value pricing, I run a free live online training session every month with a topic chosen by you. Attend live and you can ask me any questions you have. Click here to register and I will send you an invitation to the next session.

Wishing you every success on your pricing journey

Mark Wickersham

Chartered Accountant, Public Speaker and Author of Amazon No.1 Best Seller “Effective Pricing for Accountants”

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